Transport in Paris_ Pass Navigo or Paris Visite ?

Transport in Paris
In this article, we will talk about public transports in Paris. We will present the available ticket packages, differences between them and their rates.
First of all, the Parisian public transport network is considered one of the most complete in the world. With 16 metro lines, 5 suburban lines, 6 tram lines and 347 bus lines the options are many and the geographical coverage of the city is complete (or almost).
In other words, Paris is a city that you don’t need to have a car, except in exceptional circumstances.
Metro maps
As we are talking about a vast transport network that is used by millions of visitors daily, it may be a good idea to do some preparation before coming to Paris.
Below you can find the Paris metro map, which you can download to your phone and have it available at any time.
The same map is given free of charge in print at all airports in Paris, as well as in dozens of other tourist sites.
Finally, there is also the official site of ratp, the French operator of Parisian transports, with all the routes and timetables in Paris, as well as the useful application Citymapper.

With the Paris Pass, you have free access to all of Paris’s major museums and attractions.
The list includes more than 60 museums and one bus tour in Paris. Along with the Paris Pass you will receive a card Paris Visite for your transportation to Paris, maps and a travel guide.
Pass Navigo, Paris Visite, Mobilis or Something else?
Paris is divided into 5 zones (center and suburbs). The rate and type of ticket vary depending on the bands you wish to move. As the center of Paris, they are considered the zones 1 and 2, which are situated the most important monuments and museums of the city. Respectively, the bands 3,4,5 are the suburbs of Paris and these are more degraded areas. Five different ticket packages are currently available. We present them below.
1. Ticket t+
It’s a simple single-use ticket. It’s got a duration of 2 hours and applies for only one route. It is only valid for journeys within the city of Paris (zones 1-2) or for journeys within the same zone.
For example, if you want to get from Gare du Nord to Chatelet-Les Halles you can do it with a ticket t +.
On the other side, with this ticket you cannot go to Versailles or Disneyland Paris, which are located outside the city. For these itineraries, you will need a different ticket.
Ticket t+
- 1,90€
- Duration: 2 hours
- Suitable for trips within the city of Paris or within the same zone
- It makes sense if you intend to stay in Paris for less than 3 days and move exclusively to zones 1 and 2
2. Billet origin-destination
This is a one-way ticket, which is suitable for longer journeys e.g. to go to Versailles or Disneyland with the RER. The price varies depending on the destination.
For example to go from Châtelet-Les Halles (zone 1) to Marne-la-Vallée (zone 5) where Disneyland Paris is located will cost you around 8,40 €.
2. Billet origin-destination
- Rates vary depending on the destination
- One-way ticket
- Suitable for off-city transport
- It makes sense if you plan to stay in Paris less than 3 days and visit attractions outside the city (Disneyland Paris, Versailles)
3. Mobilis
Mobilis is a daily ticket which allows you to make unlimited trips with all transports within the zones you have chosen at purchase.
For example, with a Mobilis ticket for zones 1-5, you can move unlimited to zones 1,2,3,4 and 5 with every public transport for 24 hours at a cost of 17,80 €.
Rates vary depending on the zones you have selected.
- Rates vary depending on the selected zones
- Unlimited trips during 24 hours within the selected zones
- Suitable for unlimited trips with the suburban (RER) in selected zones.
- It only makes sense in special cases
4. Paris Visite Pass
Paris Visite Pass offers unlimited access to all public transport for 1, 2, 3 or 5 consecutive days for the zones 1-3 or the zones 1-5.
Moreover, Paris Visite Pass offers discounts to various partner organizations and museums.
The cost varies depending on the package of your choice.
Paris Visite Pass
- 12€ – 65,80€
- 1,2,3 or 5 days
- Suitable for unlimited trips within Paris or at Île-de-France
- It only makes sense if you plan to combine the purchase of a Paris Visite Pass with a visit to one (or more) partner museums
4. Pass Navigo
Pass Navigo is the card of unlimited trips within Île de France and Paris. There is the possibility to buy a Pass Navigo for a week, a month or a year.
Moreover, if you plan to stay in Paris for more than 4 days and to visit Disneyland Paris or Versailles, Pass Navigo is considered to be the most interesting option for you.
The cost of purchasing the weekly program for bands 1-5 amounts to 22,80 €. Plus 8€ for issuing the card. A total of 30,80 € and you can move everywhere in Paris, with public transport for a week.
Pass Navigo
- Weekly card costs (zones 1-5): 22,80 € + 8 € card issuing costs
- Weekly, monthly or yearly
- Suitable for unlimited trips within Paris or at Île-de-France
- It makes sense if you plan to stay in Paris for 4 days or more
For more information on all ticket packages, do not hesitate to visit the RATP website.