Nightlife: Cabarets in Paris

Visiting Paris without being in a cabaret is like eating a burger without french fries 😅. Less fat, but less fun as well. If you like your burger loaded with french fries, you better prepare do to choose one these three legendary cabarets to visit.

Cabarets in Paris are synonymes with the high aesthetics and the “great show” (le Grand Spectacle).
The legendary cabarets of the French capital host breathtaking spectacular shows and impressive dancing performances by balmy dancers with abundant feathers and pearls. Like a time-machine, they bring to light the glamor of another era. Visiting a cabaret is definately a lifetime experience.

The legendary Moulin Rouge, the Lido de Paris and the Crazy Horse 🐎

Moulin Rouge

Lido de Paris

Crazy Horse

With the Paris Pass, you have free access to all of Paris’s major museums and attractions.

The list includes more than 60 museums, and one bus tour in Paris. Along with the Paris Pass you will receive a card Paris Visite for your transportation to Paris, maps and a travel guide.