7th arrondissement_Paris

Paris 7_The emblematic

The 7th arrondissement of Paris is the area between the famous Eiffel Tower and the rest of the world’s famous monuments in the capital. It is also the zone where is located the French Parliament (Assemblée nationale), many ministries and embassies.

The central location and the unique view of this arrondissement make it the most expensive arrondissement to live in Paris. Apart from the Eiffel Tower, there is also the majestic Orsay Museum (Musée d’Orsay) and the Convent of the Invalids (Hôtel National des Invalides ), a complex of monuments and museums devoted to the military history of France.

What to do in Paris 7 ? 🤷‍♂️

The Eiffel Tower (French La Tour Eiffel), Métro: Bir-Hakeim or Ecole Militaire, RER C: Champ de Mars-Tour Eiffel. The absolute symbol of Paris. Further recommendations for this monument are unnecessary.

Musée d’Orsay, 1 rue de la Légion d’Honneur / rue de Lille (Métro: «Solferino», or «Assemblée Nationale», RER C: »Musée d’Orsay»). It is a museum with a very special aesthetics as the building of the Orsay Museum has been in operation for decades as a railway station, before being converted into a museum and taking its present form. It is the second museum to be visited in Paris, and hosts masterpieces of great painters such as Vincent van Gogh, Edouard Mane, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Clint Monet.

Hôtel des Invalides ( Métro: Invalides). It is the Mansion of the Invalids ( Hôtel National des Invalides ) and consists of a complex of museums and monuments dedicated to the military history of the French nation. Among others, within Invalides the French War Museum ( Musée de l’Armée ), a Museum of Contemporary History ( Musée d’Histoire Contemporaine ), a Museum of Military Models ( Musée des Plans-Reliefs ) and the lovely royal chapel Église du Dôme . There is also the sarcophagus of the proud army leader Napoleon Bonaparte . It is highly recommended for lovers of historical and military museums.

Musée Rodin, 79 Rue de Varenne (Métro: Varenne; RER: Invalides) . Museum dedicated to the great French sculptor Ocyst Roden . Another little gem in Paris.

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